Five Reasons Why You Should Send Your Child to Summer Camp

Five Reasons Why You Should Send Your Child to Summer Camp

Your kids may be excited for summer break—but for parents, it can be stressful to find things to fill their days. Straight Arrow Day Camp to the rescue!Read on to learn five reasons why you should send your child to summer camp at the Y.

1. Camp reinforces important values.
Great kids grow when you instill the right core values!At the YMCA, character development and values are more than just buzz words—they’re a part of who we are. At Straight Arrow Day Camp, we reinforce the values you teach at home, and all our camp activities incorporate the values of caring, honesty, leadership, respect, and responsibility.

Your child will also have a chance to discover who they are outside of your home—helping them gain independence and self-confidence. Kids learn to become more self-reliant as they begin to explore their own interests, discover their strengths and weaknesses, and learn how to interact with new friends and adults on their own.

2. It’s a great way to make new friends.
Camp is a great place for your child to get to know other children!Summer camp is packed with kids of all ages and backgrounds and is a safe, fun place for your kids to express their unique personalities through new experiences and adventures.

Campers bond through activities like hiking, swimming, gaga ball, and so much more! They have the chance to meet other children and navigate new friendships on their own. Camp counselors and leaders also encourage participation in camp activities and promote the development of new friendships to keep everyone included and having fun.

3. There are opportunities to develop new interests.
Summer camp is the best place to try new activities!Straight Arrow Day Camp is a wonderful way to introduce your child to new adventures, and our professional staff members and counselors are there to keep them safe and encourage your child to participate in new experiences!

Kids are given the chance to explore their interests and be more adventurous without the pressure of excellence. Summer camp days are filled with activities like the following:

Arts & Crafts
Gaga Ball
Field Games
Obstacle Courses
Youth Sports
And so much more!

4. They’ll have fun experiencing the outdoors.
Paddling a canoe, swimming with friends, swinging through rope courses, and more—the adventures at camp are endless!Summer camp lets kids experience activities they don’t normally have access to in their everyday life and exposes them to new experiences and challenges—both recreationally and socially—that get them excited to spend more time outdoors.

Physical activity is encouraged at camp! With activities that include running, swimming, hiking, and, of course, playing—kids are physically active all day (and tired when they get home). For the littlest campers, new experiences don’t have to be so big! Creating a new craft or learning a camp song can be exciting.

5. They stay active during the summer.
Summers are meant to be spent outside on new, exciting adventures!Without school and extracurricular activities, it can be tempting for your kids to stay cooped up all day watching TV or playing video games. But keeping your child physically active is essential for healthy growth and development!

At Straight Arrow Day Camp, your child will learn to have fun without relying on technology. They’re encouraged to connect with kids around their age face-to-face—not through a computer screen—and interact with positive role models.With days filled with fun camp activities like swimming, archery, youth sports, and so much more, your child is sure to get their recommended amount of daily activity!

Creating opportunities for new interests and friendships, instilling great values, and filling summer with a ton of fun activities are just a few of the many reasons why you should send your child to summer camp. Let them start a new adventure with Straight Arrow Day Camp!

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